11.02 Progetti UE e internazionali
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 13.683
EU - Europa 11.706
AS - Asia 4.947
AF - Africa 98
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 78
SA - Sud America 74
OC - Oceania 39
Totale 30.625
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.587
IT - Italia 3.088
CN - Cina 3.064
UA - Ucraina 3.009
SG - Singapore 1.135
DE - Germania 1.091
GB - Regno Unito 1.087
FI - Finlandia 621
RU - Federazione Russa 574
FR - Francia 529
SE - Svezia 482
IE - Irlanda 346
BE - Belgio 241
TR - Turchia 227
ES - Italia 219
IN - India 91
EU - Europa 78
NL - Olanda 77
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 63
CA - Canada 62
HK - Hong Kong 56
IR - Iran 52
IL - Israele 51
JP - Giappone 50
VN - Vietnam 49
KR - Corea 46
BR - Brasile 45
RO - Romania 40
DK - Danimarca 39
MU - Mauritius 35
PL - Polonia 35
AT - Austria 31
ID - Indonesia 31
MX - Messico 29
AU - Australia 27
GR - Grecia 22
LU - Lussemburgo 21
PH - Filippine 21
NG - Nigeria 17
LT - Lituania 15
TW - Taiwan 13
CH - Svizzera 12
PT - Portogallo 12
HU - Ungheria 11
CI - Costa d'Avorio 10
EG - Egitto 10
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 10
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 9
PE - Perù 8
LV - Lettonia 7
MY - Malesia 7
NO - Norvegia 7
TH - Thailandia 7
BG - Bulgaria 6
CL - Cile 6
CO - Colombia 6
MA - Marocco 6
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 6
HR - Croazia 5
KZ - Kazakistan 5
PK - Pakistan 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
CR - Costa Rica 4
TN - Tunisia 4
VE - Venezuela 4
GH - Ghana 3
MD - Moldavia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
SI - Slovenia 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
UG - Uganda 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
AL - Albania 2
AM - Armenia 2
BO - Bolivia 2
GU - Guam 2
KE - Kenya 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
KH - Cambogia 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
MK - Macedonia 2
QA - Qatar 2
RE - Reunion 2
RS - Serbia 2
UY - Uruguay 2
AR - Argentina 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
EE - Estonia 1
HN - Honduras 1
MM - Myanmar 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
Totale 30.625
Città #
Jacksonville 2.567
Chandler 2.293
Singapore 829
Macerata 755
Dearborn 614
Beijing 600
Ashburn 528
Wilmington 513
Shanghai 504
London 493
Chicago 467
Lawrence 453
Princeton 453
Ann Arbor 433
Dublin 313
Helsinki 282
Boardman 273
Milan 235
Woodbridge 218
Nanjing 200
Fairfield 199
Brussels 198
Inglewood 190
Guangzhou 156
New York 149
Istanbul 144
Brooklyn 133
Rome 125
Santa Clara 123
Shenyang 114
Verona 113
Hefei 99
Bremen 98
Jinan 96
Ningbo 89
Houston 87
Kunming 82
Des Moines 79
Ancona 72
San Mateo 70
Zhengzhou 66
Nanchang 65
Redwood City 63
Hangzhou 61
Shenzhen 60
Kocaeli 56
Seattle 54
Jiaxing 53
Brno 51
Tianjin 51
Taizhou 49
Los Angeles 48
Wuhan 48
Tokyo 45
San Diego 43
Bologna 42
Cambridge 42
Philadelphia 41
Hebei 40
Munich 39
Norwalk 38
Senigallia 37
Dong Ket 35
Falls Church 34
Frankfurt am Main 34
Monterubbiano 33
Pune 32
Seoul 32
Madrid 30
Recanati 30
Washington 30
Cupra Marittima 28
Amsterdam 26
Ascoli Piceno 25
Barcelona 25
Düsseldorf 24
Jesi 24
Naples 24
Changsha 23
Florence 22
Leawood 21
Ottawa 21
Pesaro 21
Ardabil 20
Augusta 20
Cingoli 20
Jakarta 20
Hong Kong 18
Rio de Janeiro 18
Vienna 18
Chengdu 17
Civitanova Marche 17
Indiana 17
Osimo 17
Tappahannock 17
Fuzhou 16
Torino 15
Toronto 15
Málaga 14
Strasbourg 14
Totale 17.398
Nome #
SUSTRURAL: la sostenibilità del Place branding e la governance delle aree rurali 252
CultLab. Incubatore di imprese culturali creative 207
FOODBIZ - University and business learning for new employability paths in food and gastronomy 199
China and Europe taking care of healthcare solutions - “CHETCH” 173
DiTEMP: Digital Transformation and Employability: acquiring transversal competences in curricular education 160
AI DO ETHICS - Artificial Intelligence and Innovation in Economics and Business. Developing skills by Ethics 159
The impact of motherhood on women’s retirement in Italy and Spain: family factors, job career and life paths 143
The Wine Lab. Generating Innovation between Practice and Research 143
Attività formative rivolte a coloro che beneficiano degli ammortizzatori sociali in deroga (cassa integrazione in deroga) cod. 164138 141
Expert in Accessibility, Health and Safety of Live Events and Venues 140
Grey and green in Europe: elderly living in urban areas, GRAGE 140
China and Europe taking care of healthcare solutions - “CHETCH” 130
AGMA. Academic Grant Mobility Agency 129
CARER + Ageing well in the community and at home: developing digital competences of care workers to improve the quality of life of older people 122
JOint, Inclusive and Non-discriminatory Territories for EU mobile citizens 122
RE-ACT - Self-Reflection Tools For Smart Universities Acting Regionally 122
TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA - Transition towards urban sustainability through socially integrative cities in the EU and in China 120
TICASS - Technologies of Imaging in Communication, Art, and Social Sciences 117
CARDEA Career Acknowledgement for Research (Managers) Delivering for the European Area 116
Progetto IRPAG - NIPS, TOF-ND and Pixe Investigation of Roman-Picenum Metal Archaeological Objects from Academia Georgica Treiensis 114
The Wine Lab. Generating Innovation between Practice and Research 113
CHIBO. Children's Books for Young European Citizens 111
Consumer 2.0: Young people towards a new model of production and consumption of goods 109
EUR.REG.BRU.II.BIS - International Protection of Children in Europe 109
STAY IN - Student Guidance for Inclusion - ACTION ERASMUS MULTILATERAL PROJECTS. Social dimension of higher education 106
ESPAQ Enhancing Students Participation in Quality Assurance in Armenian HE (Ref. 544261-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-BE-TEMPUS-SMGR) 104
null 103
The effects of organization and spatial design of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas on their ecological performance 103
EduTeach 103
Le garanzie dell'interrogatorio dell'imputato minorenne 102
Belonging to Europe: Cultural Learning and the Making of Shared Heritage (BEinEU) 102
CONEcT. Empowerment of coworking communities and building of innovative clusters in cultural and creative industries 102
The Europeanization of Private International Law of Successions 101
The Wine Lab. Generating Innovation between Practice and Research 100
China and Europe taking care of healthcare solutions - “CHETCH” 99
Progetto Sud-Est, strategie di rete per l’orientamento, 97
Active ageing, international relationships, family and social care: a cross-national research 97
SINC@HE – Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at higher education institu-tions in Montenegro (Tempus Project Number: 516758-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-GR-TEMPUS-JPGR – Grant agreement n. 2011-2542/001-001) 97
SSIC - Soft Skills Identification and Certification 97
A holistic citizen-oriented Circular Economy approach for City Region Food Systems (CE-CitiFood) 97
Interreg IT-HR “Cotastemed” 96
HEART HEalth related Activity Recognition system based on IoT – an interdisciplinary training program for young researchers 95
History on Line (HOL) 94
IDEM_TMOOC. Interculturality through Digital Educational Media 94
BBA- Before and Beyond Auschwitz 93
AFIRE - Franco-Italian comparative analysis of the epidemic representations and the confinement/deconfinement effects 92
NEXUS – Net of users for sharing experiences 91
Families’ cultural patterns and women’s role in the Mediterranean area 91
Proyecto General de Investigación Arqueológica del yacimiento “Ciudad Romana de Suel” del municipio de Fuengirola (Málaga) 91
Financial networks and the real economy: Evolution, Interaction and System Stability (REFINES) - Proposal ID 22277 91
AMPLICALS - Adultos Migrantes, PLurilingüismos, InterComprensión y Aprendizaje de LenguaS 91
Consumers Classroom at University 90
CARE - corpus architecturae religiosae europeae 90
(HELP)_Housing Equality Law Project. Reducing Discrimination in Access to Housing in Europe 89
ON-IT Online Internship in Tourism 89
InterPARES Trust Artificial Intelligence 89
Factors affEcting childrEn’s heaLthy eatING 88
China and Europe Taking Care of Healthcare solutions (CHETCH) 88
Introducing Marketing Principles in the Agricultural Sector 87
EPWG: The European Pilgrimage Ways: Protection, delimitation and governance of an European cultural heritage 87
AdriAtlas 87
Digitalisation for sustainable development of SMEs (DiSuDeSME) 86
DL@WEB – Enhancing the quality of distance learning at Western Balkan higher education institutions 86
Hate-Free Schools: addressing discrimination in the school setting 86
“Iratma” Project. Nips, Tof-nd and Pixe Investigation of Roman Metal Archaeological Objects from the Municipium Tifernum Mataurense Area, Italy 86
Visualizing Nationhood: the Schiavoni/Illyrian Confraternities and Colleges in Italy and the Artistic Exchange with South East Europe (15th - 18th c.) 86
TERRIER - Territorial Execution of Responsible Research and Innovation, Evaluation and Responsiveness 86
FODIGRET - Fostering Digital and Green Transformation in SMEs 85
MIRIADI Mutualisation et Innovation pour un Réseau de l'Intercompréhension A DIstance 84
MEPSIR:Measuring European Public Sector Information Resources 84
Hera.1.081 - PerSpace - Performing Space. A Transdisciplinary Exploration of European Public Spaces for Integration 84
The transtion of the financial system towards the enhancement of economic, social and environmental objectives through financial innovation 83
Improving the performance of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas 83
Wiki Jesuit (WJ) 83
AcceLerate Innovation in urban wastewater management for Climate changE - ALICE 83
Learning from second chance education: making use of good practices in second chance education to prevent early school leaving - EAC/07/2011 82
Formalisme, formalisation, intuition et compréhension en mathématiques : de la pratique informelle aux systèmes formels et retour » (« FFIUM ») 82
Financial networks and the real economy: Evolution, Interaction and Systemic Stability (REFINES) - Proposal Reference OC-2018-1-23098 82
BEACYCLE: Sustainable recovery and recycling of resources by means of Back to Earth Alternatives for closing the CYCLE in circular economy strategies. 81
Idow. Implementing dignity of women 81
Reparación de los daños antitrust como mecanismo de protección de la libre competencia – Anti-trust damage reparation as a means of protection for the free competition. 81
Interreg IT-HR "TruffleRoute" 81
REC - Rebuilding Confidence: from the politics of distrust to a democracy of trust 81
An Online Longitudinal Evaluation Methodology for VET 80
Causes and consequences of firm relocation processes 80
DEMO – Design and manage online competences 79
Amnesia Gulag in Europe 79
Transnational Routes Of Heroic Viticulture - (TROHVI) 79
Progetto generale di Ricerca “1 G-MED08-276/MEDISS Renforcer les capacitiés d’innovation de la filière Senteurs Saveurs sur le pourtour de la Mèditerranée-2009/2011 79
Active ageing, international relationships, family and social care: a cross-national research 79
The Wine Lab. Generating Innovation between Practice and Research 79
Bioforenergy “foster development of agro-energetic chain models through cross border cooperation and knowledge” - programma europeo di Prossimità Adriatico INTERREG-CARDS-PHARE 78
Translating Music: towards a social, cultural, and linguistic accessibility of musical texts in the 21st century 78
Totale 10.326

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.136 0 0 0 0 0 853 531 602 142 859 105 44
2020/20214.278 641 425 196 464 48 520 103 487 102 579 603 110
2021/20222.550 56 468 72 146 207 94 107 274 267 238 458 163
2022/20236.707 1.217 339 165 861 712 668 70 607 1.290 146 494 138
2023/20243.760 620 159 281 267 210 611 398 309 130 121 197 457
2024/20253.938 764 252 1.266 639 355 662 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 31.423