CEDROLA, ELENA Statistiche
Dipartimento di Economia e diritto
"Les nouveaux services bancaires liés à internet. Comparaison entre l'Italie, l'Europe et les Etats Unis"
2002-01-01 Cedrola, Elena
Artification Processes for Major Luxury Brands: Art-Based Mangement for Branding Purposes
2019-01-01 Masè, S.; Cohen-Cheminet, G.; Cedrola, E.
Buying centers and emerging developments: the SME perspective
2024-01-01 Cardinali, S.; Sharma, P.; Cedrola, E.; Giovannetti, M.; Pillai, K. G.
Country-of-origin effect and firm reputation influence in business-to-business markets with high cultural distance
2013-01-01 Cedrola, Elena; Battaglia, L.
Digital Marketing Channels in the Chinese Luxury Industry. A Focus on International Brands Post Covid-19
2022-01-01 Cedrola, E.; Hu, L.
Direct Marketing: il marketing di relazione nella banca
1994-01-01 Cedrola, Elena
Emotional Analysis in Designing Tourism Experiences Through Neuromarketing Methods: The Role of Uncontrollable Variables and Atmosphere: A Preliminarily Study
2022-01-01 Giraldi, L.; Sestino, A.; Cedrola, E.
Exploring the role of international R&D activities in the impact of technological and marketing capabilities on SMEs' performance
2021-01-01 Davcik, N. S.; Cardinali, S.; Sharma, P.; Cedrola, E.
FAAM Group: una storia ed un percorso imprenditoriale di successo
2011-01-01 Cedrola, Elena
Fattori chiave di successo per l’innovazione sostenibile nel settore tessile e moda. Best practices di due luxury brand del Made in Italy
2021-01-01 Bernardi, A.; Cantu', C.; Cedrola, E.
Heritage marketing e valorizzazione del territorio: il percorso verso l’innovazione sostenibile nel tessile
2021-01-01 Bernardi, A.; Cantu', C. L.; Cedrola, E.
How relational capability can influence the success of business partnerships
2023-01-01 Giraldi, L.; Coacci, S.; Cedrola, E.
Internet e franchising: stato dell’arte e prospettive
2007-01-01 Cedrola, Elena; Memmo, S.
Internet for franchising: current use and areas of improvement. Results of an empirical research
2009-01-01 Cedrola, Elena; Memmo, Sabrina
Internet per le piccole e medie imprese: potenzialità e stato dell’arte in Italia e in Europa
2009-01-01 Cedrola, Elena
Is artification perceived by consumers of luxury products? The research relevance of a customer-based brand equity model
2018-01-01 Masè, S.; Cedrola, E.; Cohen-Cheminet, G.
Key success factors to be sustainable and innovative in the textile and fashion industry: evidences from two Italian luxury brands
2022-01-01 Bernardi, A.; Cantù, C. L.; Cedrola, E.
La vocazione territoriale tra approccio sistemico e situazionista: analisi di una collaborazione culture driven tra aziende del made in Italy attraverso il caso del Contratto di Rete Polo Alta Moda Area Vestina
2014-01-01 Cedrola, Elena; Mase, S.
Loyalty marketing and loyalty cards: a study of the Italian market
2010-01-01 Cedrola, Elena; Memmo, Sabrina
Marketing & Sales oltre la crisi: i cambiamenti in atto nelle medie imprese
2011-01-01 Cedrola, Elena; Giancarlo, Ferrero; Gian, Luca Gregori