04.02 Abstract in atti di convegno
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 10.988
EU - Europa 10.140
AS - Asia 4.485
OC - Oceania 130
SA - Sud America 120
AF - Africa 67
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 21
Totale 25.951
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10.619
IT - Italia 2.856
CN - Cina 2.313
UA - Ucraina 1.414
RU - Federazione Russa 1.231
GB - Regno Unito 885
DE - Germania 869
HK - Hong Kong 653
FR - Francia 613
SG - Singapore 585
AT - Austria 454
IE - Irlanda 376
CA - Canada 322
TR - Turchia 297
FI - Finlandia 284
SE - Svezia 245
BE - Belgio 197
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 171
NL - Olanda 142
AU - Australia 119
VN - Vietnam 110
JP - Giappone 89
PH - Filippine 80
IN - India 72
KR - Corea 71
BR - Brasile 68
ES - Italia 58
IL - Israele 57
RO - Romania 48
PL - Polonia 45
CH - Svizzera 37
DK - Danimarca 34
PT - Portogallo 34
TW - Taiwan 33
GR - Grecia 30
MX - Messico 29
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 28
MY - Malesia 24
CO - Colombia 22
EU - Europa 21
IR - Iran 20
EG - Egitto 18
MK - Macedonia 17
HU - Ungheria 16
ID - Indonesia 14
MU - Mauritius 13
HR - Croazia 12
AR - Argentina 11
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 11
TH - Thailandia 10
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 9
ZA - Sudafrica 9
BZ - Belize 8
LT - Lituania 8
PK - Pakistan 8
CL - Cile 7
JO - Giordania 7
NO - Norvegia 7
PE - Perù 7
AL - Albania 6
LB - Libano 5
MA - Marocco 5
KE - Kenya 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 4
NG - Nigeria 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
BJ - Benin 3
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 3
JM - Giamaica 3
KW - Kuwait 3
LV - Lettonia 3
MD - Moldavia 3
ME - Montenegro 3
MT - Malta 3
RS - Serbia 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
EC - Ecuador 2
EH - Sahara occidentale 2
GH - Ghana 2
GT - Guatemala 2
KH - Cambogia 2
LR - Liberia 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
LY - Libia 2
ML - Mali 2
MM - Myanmar 2
NP - Nepal 2
PA - Panama 2
PY - Paraguay 2
BO - Bolivia 1
CY - Cipro 1
EE - Estonia 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VA - Santa Sede (Città del Vaticano) 1
Totale 25.951
Città #
Chandler 1.269
Jacksonville 1.052
Ann Arbor 729
Ashburn 580
Woodbridge 556
New York 510
Dearborn 466
Vienna 447
Singapore 445
Fairfield 424
Beijing 396
Dublin 372
Houston 334
Shanghai 331
Wilmington 320
Chicago 292
Boardman 287
London 281
Ottawa 247
Istanbul 245
Guangzhou 226
Milan 204
Lawrence 200
Princeton 200
Brussels 185
Rome 165
Macerata 159
Nanjing 156
Brooklyn 135
Helsinki 129
Redwood City 113
Inglewood 94
Kunming 88
Seattle 88
Hefei 86
Jinan 85
Bremen 83
Shenyang 81
Como 76
Tokyo 76
Aachen 73
Southend 73
Los Angeles 70
Zhengzhou 68
Hanoi 65
Hebei 64
Ningbo 63
Senigallia 57
Santa Clara 55
Ancona 53
Nanchang 53
Verona 52
Cambridge 51
Recanati 51
Brno 50
Kocaeli 45
Amsterdam 37
Tianjin 37
Brisbane 36
Dong Ket 35
Palermo 35
Florence 34
Naples 32
Sydney 32
Bologna 30
Düsseldorf 30
Genoa 30
Turin 30
Des Moines 29
Lappeenranta 29
Old Bridge 28
San Jose 28
San Mateo 28
Tappahannock 28
Seoul 27
Toronto 27
Bratislava 26
Philadelphia 25
Jiaxing 24
Monterubbiano 24
Iesi 22
Pescara 22
Munich 21
Bari 19
Fuzhou 19
Gold Coast 19
Augusta 18
Grafing 18
Hangzhou 18
Osimo 18
Perugia 18
Wuhan 18
Iasi 17
Rotterdam 17
San Diego 17
Skopje 17
Taizhou 17
Washington 17
Wenzhou 17
Camerino 16
Totale 14.241
Nome #
How Emotions drives Donations: A systematic literature review on emotional charity advertising 780
The rise of youth and the myth of James Dean 561
Processi e stati dell’identità in adolescenti italiani e di differenti gruppi etnici 322
Madonna’s LGBTQ+ activism. A socio-cultural approach 264
Vecchi mestieri per il futuro: narrare, documentare, tramandare 249
Energetic partnership in the Mediterranean area: Italy and Turkey in the run 225
Outward Foreign Direct Investments of the Russian Federation: a strategic lever for the international expansion 218
Venturing Into Western Markets Through Acquisitions: Critical Aspects Of Chinese MNEs Expansion 217
Rise and Fall of Taxonomy: Should We Keep Calling them Emerging Markets? 210
Le rappresentazioni sociali della famiglia, la nascita e l’evoluzione dei legami di attaccamento nei giovani 209
A web of relations. Modelling the relations among value orientations, travel motivation, accommodation choice, satisfaction and perceived change in a case study among young travellers in Italy 197
Protists as Model Organisms for Biology Teaching 194
A case report of positive carbohydrate-deficient transferrin result together with negative ethylglucuronide result in hair. 186
gli adolescenti di un palazzo multietnico. Il caso dell'Hotel House 185
Urbanization, Demographic Dynamics and implications for Land Resource Management in the Mediterranean Region. A New Step Ahead in Understanding of Regional Complexity 184
“Dare consigli” nelle sequenze di troubles talk: il ruolo della mitigazione 183
Mapping Dynamic Environments: Eye-tracking Glasses and Research in Accessibility 182
Friendships at the Hotel House: interactions among adolescents living in a multi-ethnic skyscraper-ghetto 180
The Roman Villa of Villamagna (Urbisaglia, Macerata - Italy): Pilot Archaebotanical Analysis 180
Complex Dynamics in a Solow-Swan Growth Model with VES Production Function 177
Las orejas de burro: génesis cultural y origen icono-genético de una práctica punitiva escolar 175
Percezioni extrasensoriali e negoziazione epistemica dei ruoli nelle interviste a sensitivi in casi di cronaca nera 170
Certainty and uncertainty in a corpus of biomedical papers with a historical perspective 168
Knowing, Unknowing, Believing stances and characters’ dialogic identities in the Harry Potter books 165
Shifting the poles to the middle: Calibrating ironic perception 165
Perceptual contrast in verbal irony 163
Implicit and explicit recognition of the relationship between what is said and the referent situation: A study with a group of 12-to-15 year old (normal and "gifted") Italian children 158
La comunicazione della certezza e dell'incertezza 156
Waste management and financial performace: evidence from Italian companies 153
Mediterranean culture e agriculture: instruments of territorial redevelopment. Wine-gastronomy tours in Sicily. 152
null 152
Journalism for kids: An educational approach 150
A corpus of biomedical texts annotated for uncertainty with a historical perspective 149
Melanoma progression is reduced by the ciliated protozoan toxin climacostol: results from in vitro and in vivo studies 149
L'educazione fisica sportiva come veicolo di prevenzione. Formare gli adolescenti alla sicurezza stradale 148
Incertezza, vaghezza e precisione in ambito biomedico. Marcatori verbali e multimodali 147
Introducing, reinforcing and mitigating “Known, Unknown and Believed” in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 145
“Full Access to Cultural Spaces (FACS), Stage One: A survey of Access Services Across European Museums” 142
Epistemic stance: Knowing, unknowing, believing (KUB) positions 141
Ciliate diversity and behavioural observations from the chemoautotrophic cave ecosystem of Frasassi, (Marche region, Italy) 140
Promoting the urban social sustainability: environmental movements, social media and civic participation 140
A Growth Model with Corruption in Public Procurement: Equilibria and Policy Implications 139
Perlocutionary goals and rhetorical organizations in dialogues: Analysis of a passage from A. Schnitzler’s novel Fräulein Else 137
The perception of contrariety and the processing of verbal irony 137
Perceptual and cognitive linguistics indicators (PaCLIs) in Italian written texts 136
Archives on the web and users expectations: towards a convergence with digital libraries 134
Europe's Banking Union as a crucial moment of structural change in economic policy. 134
Abstract. Discovering clines of variation: the location and analysis of non-canonical forms in general reference corpora 133
Best Practices of Incorporating the X-Culture Project in International Business Curriculum 133
“Come se” [As if]: evidential and epistemic aspects 132
Migrant traces and welcoming places: from educational context to pedagogical reflection 132
Negotiating Narrative: Dialogic Dynamics of Known, Unknown and Believed in Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows 132
La carta archeologica della provincia di Macerata: il tematismo archeologico alla base della pianificazione territoriale 132
Enhancing systemic resilience through journalism: tha Macerata’s district case 132
The General Theory of Verbal Humor in the Analysis of Humorous Interactions: A Case Study 131
The non-proteic extrusive secondary metabolites in ciliated protists 131
Climacostol, a ciliate secondary metabolite with anticancer activity: results from in vitro and in vivo studies 130
Come disvelare il pensiero opprimente? La logica della conoscenza condivisa nell'unità dell'incontro 130
Habeas Corpus: direct access, salience, and delexicalisation in corpus-based metaphor studies 129
The ECHR Article 8: Cordon Sanitaire or Isolation Tank? Homosexuality, Transsexualism, and Sado-Masochism in the ECtHR Case-law. 128
Armiamoci e partiamo: valutazioni di management e dipendenti a confronto sulle strategie aziendali per superare la crisi 128
The aging population and the relationships between demographic and economic dynamics. Case study: Poland 127
Inclusive safety at school: how to train teachers 125
Structural Modification of the Protozoan Toxin Climacostol for Biotechnological Applications 125
Don’t change too much (but also not too little) if you want to make me laugh 124
La comunicazione dell’incertezza in medicina: analisi diacronica di un corpus di articoli del British Medical Journal (1840-2007) 124
La percezione del ruolo politico del loro impegno nei giovani volontari 123
Determinanti del benessere psico-sociale in giovani universitari e lavoratori 123
Asset Pricng Model with Heterogeneous Agents: the Wealth Dynamics 123
Representations of humorous dialogues 123
Gli stati dell’identità: un confronto tra adolescenti italiani e olandesi 122
Predator-prey interactions between protists and microinvertebrates 122
Magnetic and electromagnetic prospections at the Roman city of Hadrianopolis, southern Albania 122
High-Value Startups in the World: Entrepreneurial Profiles, Success Factors, Global Tendencies 121
Innovation, Demand, and Finance in an Agent Based-Stock Flow Consistent model 120
Archaeological surveys of hellenistic fortified sites in Caonia by drones 119
Lorenzo Lotto, amici e committenti: nuovi dati su relazioni e contesti lotteschi fra Bergamo, il Veneto e le Marche 119
Sales Tech Infusion: a case study in the medical device industry 118
Environmental and economic-financial performance in waste management firms 118
Un problema da ridere 118
Journalism, kids, and gender: analysis of the local news published on an online newspaper 118
Descrizione digitale e digitalizzazione di pergamene e sigilli nel contesto di un sistema informativo archivistico nazionale: l'esperienza del SIAS 117
Cyprus, the European Union and the recent crisis: inspiration for new processes of convergence or incentive for regional disparities? 116
La investigación histórica y educativa en comparación con las experiencias y las vivencias de la escuela: las memorias de los maestros conservadas en el Centro de Documentación e Investigación sobre la historia del libro de texto y de la literatura para la infancia de la Universidad de Macerata 116
Indicatori linguistici percettivi e cognitivi (ILPEC) nei testi scritti 116
The Elaboration of Ethical Brand Crises on Social Media 116
Students Who Co-Create Their Case Studies. How Participative Experiences Enlighten Business Education 116
La trasformazione temporanea degli spazi urbani in luoghi di loisir e attrazione turistica. Paris plages: una spiaggia urbana lungo la Senna 115
Competency-based education in Italian secondary schools: a research on students and teachers’ perception about teaching and evaluation methods used in classrooms 115
Updating Wealth in a Dynamic Asset Pricing Model 114
Research Crowdsourcing, Data Sharing, and Large-Scale Collaboration: Latest Developments and Opportunities in International Business Studies 114
L'interazione tra le intelligenze umane in un percorso laboratoriale a carattere motorio 114
La production industrielle de matériels didactiques en Italie entre la fin du XIXe et la première moitie du XXe siècle 113
Ciliate lipidomics: the case of Coleps hirtus 113
Il Progetto di Carta archeologica della regione Marche 112
Magnetic and ground penetrating radar surveys for the research of Medieval settlements in the inland of the Marche Region (Italy) 111
Markus-Sell's Theorem for Infinite Dimensional Asymptotically Almost Periodic Systems 111
L’autonarrazione nelle sequenze di troubles talk 111
Intolerance and the Vulnerability to Error: How to Reinforce Social Health? 111
A lexicological outline of the introduction, development and stabilization of the words for grammar in China, 1859-1924 110
Totale 15.576

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.445 0 0 0 0 0 619 459 371 158 613 169 56
2020/20212.829 254 228 180 261 86 364 182 316 152 376 304 126
2021/20221.666 86 299 61 72 100 75 84 246 137 104 320 82
2022/20234.014 583 162 106 540 476 469 86 386 724 75 299 108
2023/20244.853 358 157 240 207 223 929 905 565 260 243 377 389
2024/20254.634 621 701 1.040 1.272 514 486 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 26.544