This doctoral thesis investigates the family business, considered as a distinctive socioeconomic phenomenon intertwining economic and emotional values. It still constitutes the majority of businesses in many countries, providing a safeguard against market risks. Specifically, the study explores, adopting a socioeconomic approach, three main themes: the characteristics of family businesses, thus the presence and management of institutional overlap between family and business; the generational transmission; and the social, environmental, and economic relationships that family businesses establish with the surrounding territory. Theoretical investigations initially focused on the family business within economic disciplines. Subsequently, social sciences and psychology delved into this phenomenon, concentrating on gender issues and the interaction between family and company. Despite its complexity, family businesses stand out for the involvement of the family in business activities, which can be analysed through the Three-Circle Model and the F-PEC scale. The coexistence of business and family determines strategic orientation (favouring either the business or the family), resulting in positive and negative effects on business management and, more generally, on daily work and family life. Among the critical aspects of family businesses is the generational transition, a complex process due to its human and relational components. However, the challenges faced by businesses (succession from the founding entrepreneur, presence of multiple successors, traumatic events, conflicts, transmission of intangible assets, etc.) can be addressed by employing formal tools and through mutual legitimation between generations. Considering businesses as actors within a community, it is noticeable how they develop interdependence with the environment, society, and economy, based on the productive activities they undertake. According to the literature review, territories represent elements of both vulnerability and socioeconomic vitality, contributing to business anchoring and fostering interaction between the company and the territory. Within the theoretical framework, the goal of this doctoral thesis is to understand the distinctive elements of family-run companies, management priorities, the effects of institutional overlap between business and family, family members' entry into the business, generational transmission processes, and how they influence social, environmental, and cultural relationships with the territory. To address these research questions, a qualitative methodology has been adopted, utilizing the case study method and semi-structured individual interviews in a comparative study between Italy (Marche and Umbria regions) and Spain (Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon). The selected companies operate in the dairy sector, where a stronger connection with the territory, especially at the environmental level, can be analysed due to their activities. The criteria for selecting the case studies were business size (micro and small) and the gender of the company owner (male and female leadership). Considering the generational component, at least two generations are present in the analysed companies. From the analysis of 21 semi-structured interviews, several similarities and differences have been identified, considering business sizes, involved generations, and interviewees' genders. The companies operate in similar contexts, both regarding the presence of family businesses and related legislation and the importance of the dairy sector. The contextual framework has been delineated through quantitative analysis of secondary data collected from national and European statistical entities, relating to family-run businesses and dairy companies. Family involvement emerges as the criterion that distinguishes family businesses from managerial ones; the analysed companies exhibit strong involvement using the Three-Circle model and the F-PEC scale. The informal structures typical of household companies reflect in strategic orientation: most analysed companies attribute equal importance and value to both elements constituting them—the family and the business. This overlap contributes to aspects that either facilitate or hinder work, with some differences between the two countries: while collaborative work environments prevail in Spain, Italy highlights the proximity to family in micro-enterprises and flexibility in small ones. In both countries, the greatest limitation lies in the family-work overlap, understood as the inability to disconnect from work and its negative repercussions on family life. Regarding succession, the generational transmission has so far relied on business reorganization, without resorting to external consultants or strategic documents in any case. While specific measures were not taken in cases of succession from the founding entrepreneur or in the event of a traumatic incident, the presence of multiple successors has been addressed by creating multiple business units in small enterprises, both in Italy and Spain. On the contrary, micro-enterprises experienced implicit transmission. Among the elements that favoured and contributed to succession, generational legitimation stands out, both from the senior generation towards the junior one and vice versa. Regarding the relationship between businesses and the territory, it is emphasized that in both countries, companies represent part of the community. However, while social and business interactivity prevails in Spain, Italy exhibits more research and development interactivity. Considering levels of anchoring, Italy emphasizes political and cognitive anchoring, while Spain codified structural and cognitive anchoring more. Notably, political anchoring emerges negatively: interviewee accounts underline the inadequacy of institutions, especially in Central Italian companies affected by the 2016 earthquake and/or situated in isolated socioeconomic contexts. Furthermore, the generational perspective of the study shows how relationships with the territory can change with successive generations. In conclusion, despite strong contextual similarities between the two countries, they exhibit affinities and divergences concerning the major analysis themes. However, the scant importance attributed to the generational process, considered a natural event by participants, might jeopardize the survival of businesses in the long term. This highly interdisciplinary thesis offers further insights for future research on the family business theme. Specifically, additional business sectors, larger company sizes, and diverse socioeconomic and cultural contexts can be considered for future exploration.
La presente tesi di dottorato indaga il family business, considerato come peculiare fenomeno socioeconomico, in cui si intrecciano valori economici e affettivi, e che costituisce ancora oggi la maggioranza delle imprese presenti in molti Paesi, rappresentando una garanzia contro i rischi del mercato. In particolare, lo studio indaga, adottando un approccio socioeconomico, tre temi principali: le caratteristiche delle aziende familiari, quindi la presenza e la gestione della sovrapposizione istituzionale tra famiglia e impresa; la trasmissione generazionale; le relazioni sociali, ambientali, ed economiche che le imprese familiari instaurano con il territorio circostante. A livello teorico, il family business è stato indagato inizialmente nelle discipline economiche; in seguito, anche le scienze sociali e la psicologia si sono interessate del fenomeno, focalizzandosi sulla questione del genere e sull’interazione tra famiglia e azienda. Nonostante la complessità, si può affermare che le aziende familiari si distinguono per il coinvolgimento della famiglia nell’attività aziendale, il quale può essere analizzato attraverso il Three-Circle Model e la scala F-PEC. La compresenza dell’aziendalità e della familiarità determina inoltre l’orientamento strategico (che può attribuire maggiore importanza all’azienda o alla famiglia), nonché effetti positivi e negativi sulla gestione aziendale e, più in generale, sulla quotidianità a livello lavorativo e familiare. Tra le criticità delle aziende familiari emerge quella del passaggio generazionale, un processo complesso, data la componente umana e relazionale che lo contraddistingue. Tuttavia, le difficoltà che le aziende incontrano (successione all’imprenditore fondatore, presenza di più successori, evento traumatico, conflittualità, trasmissione del patrimonio immateriale, …) possono essere affrontate adottando alcuni strumenti formali, nonché grazie alla legittimazione reciproca tra le generazioni. Considerando invece le aziende come attori di una comunità, è possibile notare come queste sviluppino un’interdipendenza con il territorio a livello ambientale, sociale ed economico, anche in base all’attività produttiva che svolgono. Alla luce della letteratura analizzata, i territori rappresentano elementi di vulnerabilità e vitalità socioeconomica, che contribuiscono al radicamento aziendale, nonché allo sviluppo di interattività e interazione tra azienda e territorio. Alla luce del quadro teorico di riferimento, l’obiettivo della presente tesi di dottorato è comprendere quali sono gli elementi distintivi delle aziende a conduzione familiare, le priorità della gestione, gli effetti della sovrapposizione istituzionale tra impresa e famiglia, le modalità di ingresso dei familiari in azienda e quelle di trasmissione generazionale, quindi come queste ultime influenzano le relazioni a livello sociale, ambientale e culturale con il territorio. Per rispondere a queste domande di ricerca, è stata adottata la metodologia qualitativa, utilizzando la metodologia del case study e le interviste individuali semi strutturate in uno studio comparativo tra Italia (regioni Marche e Umbria) e Spagna (Comunità Autonoma di Castilla y Leon). Le aziende selezionate sono imprese del settore caseario, nelle quali è possibile analizzare una maggiore connessione con il territorio, in particolare a livello ambientale, a causa della loro attività. I criteri che hanno consentito di individuare i casi studio sono le dimensioni aziendali (micro e piccole) e il genere del titolare d’azienda (conduzione maschile e conduzione femminile). Considerando la componente generazionale, almeno due generazioni sono presenti nelle aziende analizzate. Dall’analisi delle 21 interviste semi strutturate sono state riscontrate numerose analogie e differenze, alla luce delle dimensioni aziendali, delle generazioni coinvolte, del sesso degli intervistati. Le aziende operano in un contesto simile, sia considerando la presenza di aziende familiari e la relativa legislazione, sia per quanto riguarda l’importanza del settore caseario: a tal proposito, il contesto di riferimento è stato delineato attraverso l’analisi quantitativa di dati secondari raccolti da enti di statistica nazionali ed europei, relativi alle aziende a conduzione familiare e alle aziende casearie. Il coinvolgimento dei familiari risulta essere il criterio che distingue le aziende familiari da quelle manageriali, le imprese analizzate presentano infatti un forte coinvolgimento analizzato attraverso il Three-Circle model e la scala F-PEC. Le strutture informali tipiche delle aziende domestiche si riflettono nell’orientamento strategico: la maggior parte delle aziende analizzate attribuisce uguale importanza e valore ai due elementi che le costituiscono, la famiglia e l’azienda. Questa sovrapposizione concorre alla presenza di aspetti che facilitano oppure ostacolano il lavoro, con alcune differenze tra i due Paesi: mentre in Spagna prevale l’ambiente di lavoro collaborativo, in Italia emergono la vicinanza alla famiglia nelle microaziende e la flessibilità in quelle piccole. In entrambi i Paesi il limite maggiore è rappresentato appunto dalla sovrapposizione famiglia lavoro, intesa come impossibilità di disconnettersi dal lavoro e nelle ripercussioni negative che questo esercita sulla vita familiare. In riferimento alla successione, la trasmissione generazionale finora avvenuta si è basata sulla riorganizzazione aziendale, in nessun caso è stato fatto ricorso a consulenti esterni o documenti strategici. Mentre nei casi di successione all’imprenditore fondatore e alla successione in presenza di un evento traumatico non sono state adottate particolari misure, la presenza di più successori è stata affrontata attraverso la creazione di più unita aziendali nelle piccole imprese, sia in Italia che Spagna. Le microimprese, al contrario, hanno vissuto una trasmissione implicita. Tra gli elementi che hanno favorito e contribuito alla successione troviamo la legittimazione generazionale, sia da parte della generazione senior nei confronti di quella junior, sia il contrario. Considerando il rapporto tra aziende e territorio, si sottolinea che in entrambi i Paesi le aziende rappresentano parte della comunità. Tuttavia, mentre in Spagna prevale l’interattività sociale e aziendale, in Italia è possibile osservare maggiormente l’interattività di ricerca e sviluppo. Considerando i livelli di radicamento, in Italia prevalgono il radicamento politico e cognitivo, mentre in Spagna sono stati codificati maggiormente il radicamento strutturale e cognitivo. A tal proposito, è interessante notare come il radicamento politico emerga in chiave negativa: i racconti degli intervistati sottolineano l’inadeguatezza delle istituzioni, in particolare nelle aziende del Centro Italia, le quali sono state colpite dal sisma del 2016 e/o si trovano in contesti socioeconomici isolati. Inoltre, la prospettiva generazionale dello studio mostra come le relazioni con il territorio possano cambiare con il succedersi delle generazioni. Si può quindi concludere che i due Paesi, nonostante le forti somiglianze del contesto, mostrano affinità e divergenze considerando i macro-temi di analisi, tuttavia la scarsa importanza attribuita al processo generazionale, considerato dai partecipanti un evento naturale, può mettere in pericolo la sopravvivenza delle aziende nel lungo termine. La presente tesi, fortemente interdisciplinare, fornisce infine ulteriori spunti per la ricerca futura nel tema del family business, in particolare si potrebbero considerare ulteriori settori di attività, maggiori dimensioni aziendali, contesti socioeconomici e culturali differenti tra loro.
M. Palermo
This doctoral thesis investigates the family business, considered as a distinctive socioeconomic phenomenon intertwining economic and emotional values. It still constitutes the majority of businesses in many countries, providing a safeguard against market risks. Specifically, the study explores, adopting a socioeconomic approach, three main themes: the characteristics of family businesses, thus the presence and management of institutional overlap between family and business; the generational transmission; and the social, environmental, and economic relationships that family businesses establish with the surrounding territory. Theoretical investigations initially focused on the family business within economic disciplines. Subsequently, social sciences and psychology delved into this phenomenon, concentrating on gender issues and the interaction between family and company. Despite its complexity, family businesses stand out for the involvement of the family in business activities, which can be analysed through the Three-Circle Model and the F-PEC scale. The coexistence of business and family determines strategic orientation (favouring either the business or the family), resulting in positive and negative effects on business management and, more generally, on daily work and family life. Among the critical aspects of family businesses is the generational transition, a complex process due to its human and relational components. However, the challenges faced by businesses (succession from the founding entrepreneur, presence of multiple successors, traumatic events, conflicts, transmission of intangible assets, etc.) can be addressed by employing formal tools and through mutual legitimation between generations. Considering businesses as actors within a community, it is noticeable how they develop interdependence with the environment, society, and economy, based on the productive activities they undertake. According to the literature review, territories represent elements of both vulnerability and socioeconomic vitality, contributing to business anchoring and fostering interaction between the company and the territory. Within the theoretical framework, the goal of this doctoral thesis is to understand the distinctive elements of family-run companies, management priorities, the effects of institutional overlap between business and family, family members' entry into the business, generational transmission processes, and how they influence social, environmental, and cultural relationships with the territory. To address these research questions, a qualitative methodology has been adopted, utilizing the case study method and semi-structured individual interviews in a comparative study between Italy (Marche and Umbria regions) and Spain (Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon). The selected companies operate in the dairy sector, where a stronger connection with the territory, especially at the environmental level, can be analysed due to their activities. The criteria for selecting the case studies were business size (micro and small) and the gender of the company owner (male and female leadership). Considering the generational component, at least two generations are present in the analysed companies. From the analysis of 21 semi-structured interviews, several similarities and differences have been identified, considering business sizes, involved generations, and interviewees' genders. The companies operate in similar contexts, both regarding the presence of family businesses and related legislation and the importance of the dairy sector. The contextual framework has been delineated through quantitative analysis of secondary data collected from national and European statistical entities, relating to family-run businesses and dairy companies. Family involvement emerges as the criterion that distinguishes family businesses from managerial ones; the analysed companies exhibit strong involvement using the Three-Circle model and the F-PEC scale. The informal structures typical of household companies reflect in strategic orientation: most analysed companies attribute equal importance and value to both elements constituting them—the family and the business. This overlap contributes to aspects that either facilitate or hinder work, with some differences between the two countries: while collaborative work environments prevail in Spain, Italy highlights the proximity to family in micro-enterprises and flexibility in small ones. In both countries, the greatest limitation lies in the family-work overlap, understood as the inability to disconnect from work and its negative repercussions on family life. Regarding succession, the generational transmission has so far relied on business reorganization, without resorting to external consultants or strategic documents in any case. While specific measures were not taken in cases of succession from the founding entrepreneur or in the event of a traumatic incident, the presence of multiple successors has been addressed by creating multiple business units in small enterprises, both in Italy and Spain. On the contrary, micro-enterprises experienced implicit transmission. Among the elements that favoured and contributed to succession, generational legitimation stands out, both from the senior generation towards the junior one and vice versa. Regarding the relationship between businesses and the territory, it is emphasized that in both countries, companies represent part of the community. However, while social and business interactivity prevails in Spain, Italy exhibits more research and development interactivity. Considering levels of anchoring, Italy emphasizes political and cognitive anchoring, while Spain codified structural and cognitive anchoring more. Notably, political anchoring emerges negatively: interviewee accounts underline the inadequacy of institutions, especially in Central Italian companies affected by the 2016 earthquake and/or situated in isolated socioeconomic contexts. Furthermore, the generational perspective of the study shows how relationships with the territory can change with successive generations. In conclusion, despite strong contextual similarities between the two countries, they exhibit affinities and divergences concerning the major analysis themes. However, the scant importance attributed to the generational process, considered a natural event by participants, might jeopardize the survival of businesses in the long term. This highly interdisciplinary thesis offers further insights for future research on the family business theme. Specifically, additional business sectors, larger company sizes, and diverse socioeconomic and cultural contexts can be considered for future exploration.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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embargo fino al 24/05/2025
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