This thesis contributes to creating knowledge on the role of social entrepreneurship for social innovation in rural areas, through the development of inclusive tourism activities. The research is motivated by the rural development policies which are increasingly integrating social and labor inclusion strategies. The most recent rural policies identify social entrepreneurship as a resource for the inclusion of the most fragile categories, through the provision of tourism activities which support the diversification of services offered in marginal areas. The theoretical foundation of this thesis lies in the concepts of social innovation and inclusive tourism: the former intended as a reaction to the social challenges, which stimulates the individual's capacity to act and helps to create or strengthen the relations between different actors, with the aim to implement innovative solutions. The second, which incorporates the concepts of accessible and social tourism, refers to the set of inclusive practices created for and with the community, including people and places traditionally excluded from tourism activity. An initial analysis of the literature on the two topics revealed knowledge gaps of empirical, ontological and methodological nature. In particular, there is a lack of knowledge of the dynamics involving social entrepreneurship in the definition of inclusive leisure activities, as well as the role of new technologies in supporting such activities, while enhancing the authenticity of the tourist experience for the visitor. Secondly, considering that social innovation is an evolving process, there is the need to understand the type and intensity of changes on the whole ecosystem involved. Finally, the literature points to the need for new collaborative methodologies oriented towards inclusive innovation, able to involve a multiplicity of actors of different nature, but at the same time can manage the possible tensions that may arise when evaluating inclusive solutions. This thesis sought to contribute to filling these gaps by exploring the relational aspect of social innovation and proposed the following research question: how can networking support social enterprises in defining socially innovative practices for inclusive tourism in rural areas? Some research sub-questions facilitated this objective: 1. How to create an inclusion-oriented collaborative approach for tourism in rural areas? 2. What effects can the collaborative approach of social enterprises have on the socio-occupational inclusion of marginal groups in rural areas? 3. How can technology and new social networks virtually support social enterprises in the sphere of hospitality, in creating or maintaining genuine relationships with visitors through authentic experiences with the local community? Although social innovations are bottom-up processes, their realization will depend on the support received and the type of relationships established between actors in the local ecosystem. Universities, as institutions that co-create knowledge for sustainability, ae increasingly required to encourage and facilitate social innovation processes. This allows researchers to adopt roles and methodologies that generate involvement, participation, and collaboration. Therefore, this research applies the participatory action research (RAP) method for a qualitative study of social innovation, since it allows for the creation of a collaborative space that contributes to the empowerment of the community in the definition of effective and socially useful solutions. The research is applied to two specific cases of social entrepreneurship developed in the Marche region: the first related to the hospitality sphere and the second to social agriculture. In the first case, it has been considered the case of the Agritur-ASO association, which is a network of around twenty members, located in the region's southernmost province, whose recreational activities, based on the principles of relationality and the valorization of ancient traditions, become an instrument of social change to the benefit of both local communities and visitors. The second case study, in which the Marche region boasts pioneering experience compared to all other Mediterranean contexts, refers to the set of practices that use agriculture to generate social and labor inclusion activities for the most fragile categories. In order to answer the research questions described above, this thesis is divided into four chapters: the first three consider the case of social agriculture and the fourth reports the case of social hospitality. Given the exploratory nature of research on social farming tourism, the first chapter offers an overview of the literature to understand how recreational activities in social farming contribute to social innovation in rural areas. Findings from the very few studies identified through the snowballing technique, have been channeled into a framework that shows the contribution of tourism in meeting emerging need for wellness activities in nature, which strengthen the links between urban and rural areas. Tourism does not only allow for the generation of work and social inclusion activities for the most fragile individuals, but also constitutes an opportunity for a broader involvement of civil society in the activities, integrating tourism businesses, accommodation, museums and places of cultural interest, but above all strengthening the connections with the university and local governments who are increasingly required to take a concrete approach to local experiences in order to define models where to set specific activities that require financial, educational and legislative support. However, the literature analysed poses a limitation in understanding the terms in which tourism collaboration can benefit inclusion and the most fragile groups. In response to this gap, chapters two and three complement the framework generated by the literature. Chapter two proposes a collaborative model for inclusive tourism in rural areas. The purpose of the model, developed through several stages of participatory research, is to ensure the inclusiveness of both the process and the planned tourism activities. This model was applied to the social farming context, creating a collaborative space supported by operational tools that contributed to the strategic visioning and planning of actions. The result of this process reveals that the development of a solid collaboration in the perspective of inclusive tourism in rural areas requires continuity in the organization of the meetings and the involvement of key actors who, among others, can contribute to the definition of the geographical and thematic boundaries of the initiative. Chapter three, on the other hand, investigates the effects of tourism collaboration on social enterprises and the fragile groups integrated in inclusion processes. By exploring social entrepreneurs’ motivations and obstacles towards collaboration, the research applies the decent work pillars proposed by the International Labor Organization (ILO). Results reveal important implications for collaboration for the social and labor inclusion of the disadvantaged and for the creation of new opportunities for personal and business development. Conversely, obstacles to collaboration, mainly related to a lack of resources and embeddedness in the target context cause a threat to job stability. Finally, Chapter 4 aims to understand the role of technology in ensuring inclusive tourism in times of crisis. The chapter explores the case of social entrepreneurship in the context of hospitality, examining an initiative entitled “The Staffetta della Cucina Ciocheciò”, organised by the Agritur-ASO association during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. The aim of the initiative was to prepare and share on a Facebook group created for the occasion, traditional dishes using local products. The study of this initiative allowed to understand the importance of technology in cultivating old and new relationships, while preserving the authenticity of the tourist experience. Overall, the work of this thesis responds to the principles of collaborative development proposed by the industrial PhD. Indeed, in order to answer the proposed research questions, the work of this thesis focused on the creation of a space of collaboration between actors of different natures. By appreciating the different non-conventional roles that the researcher can assume during participatory research processes, it was possible to involve a multitude of actors and to explore the topic of inclusive and sustainable tourism in a broad manner, to identify possible directions for collaborative development. However, especially in the case of social agriculture, such a broad approach precluded an individual view of companies with respect to the managerial and organisational dimension of tourism activities. For this reason, possible directions for the development of this issue are to be found in the need to highlight circumstances and business and entrepreneurial characteristics that have been particularly favourable to the development of tourism activities, with the aim of identifying paths favourable to the development of socially innovative activities.
Questa tesi contribuisce a creare conoscenza sul ruolo dell’imprenditoria sociale per l’innovazione sociale nelle aree rurali, attraverso lo sviluppo di attività turistiche inclusive. La ricerca è motivata dalle politiche di sviluppo rurale che integrano in maniera sempre più sistematica strategie di inclusione sociale e lavorativa. Le più recenti individuano nell’imprenditoria sociale una risorsa per l’inclusione delle categorie più fragili, attraverso la definizione di attività turistiche e di valorizzazione del territorio, a supporto della diversificazione dei servizi offerti nelle aree marginali. Il fondamento teorico di questa tesi risiede nei concetti di innovazione sociale e turismo inclusivo: il primo inteso come la reazione a sfide sociali, che stimola la capacità di agire del singolo e contribuisce a creare o rafforzare relazioni tra diversi attori, al fine di implementare soluzioni innovative. Il secondo, che incorpora più ampiamente i concetti di turismo accessibile e sociale, è riferito all’insieme di pratiche inclusive create per e con la comunità, includendo persone e luoghi tradizionalmente esclusi dall’attività turistica. Da un’analisi iniziale della letteratura sulle due tematiche sono emerse delle lacune conoscitive di carattere empirico, ontologico e metodologico. Nello specifico, esiste una scarsa conoscenza delle dinamiche che coinvolgono l’imprenditoria sociale nella definizione di attività ricreative inclusive, nonché del ruolo delle nuove tecnologie nel supportare tali attività, valorizzando l’autenticità dell’esperienza turistica per il visitatore. In secondo luogo, considerando l’innovazione sociale come processo in continua evoluzione, nasce il bisogno di comprendere il tipo e l’intensità dei cambiamenti sull’intero ecosistema coinvolto. In ultimo, la letteratura evidenzia la necessità di nuove metodologie collaborative orientate all’innovazione inclusiva, che coinvolgano una molteplicità di attori di diversa natura ma che, al contempo, siano capaci gestirne le possibili tensioni che possono emergere nella valutazione di soluzioni inclusive. Il presente lavoro di tesi ha cercato di contribuire a colmare queste lacune, andando ad esplorare l’aspetto relazionale dell’innovazione sociale e ha proposto la seguente domanda di ricerca: in che modo il networking (fisicamente o virtualmente) può supportare le aziende sociali nella definizione di pratiche socialmente innovative per un turismo inclusivo nelle aree rurali? Alcune sotto-domande di ricerca hanno facilitato tale obiettivo: 1. Come creare un approccio collaborativo orientato all’inclusione per il turismo nelle aree rurali? 2. Quali effetti può avere la propensione alla collaborazione delle imprese sociali sull’inclusione socio-lavorativa delle categorie marginali nelle aree rurali? 3. In che modo la tecnologia e i nuovi social network possono virtualmente supportare le imprese sociali nella sfera della ricettività, nel creare o mantenere relazioni genuine con i visitatori attraverso esperienze autentiche con la comunità locale? Sebbene le innovazioni sociali siano dei processi che partono dal basso, la loro realizzazione dipenderà dal supporto ricevuto e dal tipo di relazioni che si instaurano tra gli attori dell’ecosistema locale. All’università, in quanto ente che co-crea conoscenza per la sostenibilità, è sempre più richiesto di incoraggiare e facilitare processi di innovazione sociale, spingendo i ricercatori ad adottare ruoli e metodologie che generino coinvolgimento, partecipazione e collaborazione. Pertanto, la presente ricerca applica il metodo della ricerca azione partecipata (RAP) particolarmente favorevole per uno studio qualitativo dell’innovazione sociale, in quanto permette di creare uno spazio collaborativo che contribuisca all’ empowerment della comunità coinvolta verso la definizione di soluzioni efficaci e socialmente utili. La ricerca si applica a due casi specifici di imprenditoria sociale sviluppatesi nelle Marche: il primo relativo alla sfera dell’ospitalità e il secondo all’agricoltura sociale. Nel primo caso, è stata presa in esame l’associazione Agritur-ASO, un network di circa venti membri, localizzato nella provincia più meridionale della regione, le cui attività ricreative, fondate sui principi della relazionalità e della valorizzazione di antiche tradizioni, diventano uno strumento di cambiamento sociale a beneficio tanto delle comunità locali quanto dei visitatori. Il secondo caso studio, in cui la regione Marche vanta un’esperienza pioneristica rispetto a tutti gli altri contesti mediterranei, si riferisce all’insieme di pratiche che utilizzano l’agricoltura per generare attività di inclusione sociale e lavorativa per le categorie più fragili. Per rispondere alle domande di ricerca descritte in precedenza, il presente lavoro di tesi si articola in quattro capitoli, di cui i primi tre considerano il caso dell’agricoltura sociale e il quarto riporta il caso della social hospitality. Nello specifico, dato il carattere esplorativo delle ricerche sul turismo nell’ambito dell’agricoltura sociale, il primo capitolo propone una panoramica della letteratura al fine di comprendere in che modo le attività ricreative in agricoltura sociale contribuiscano all’innovazione sociale nelle aree rurali. I risultati emersi da studi identificati tramite la tecnica dello snowballing, sono stati convogliati in un framework che mostra che il turismo contribuisce particolarmente a rispondere alle più recenti esigenze di attività di benessere in natura, rafforzando i legami tra aree urbane e aree rurali. Il turismo permette non solo di generare attività di inclusione lavorativa e sociale per i soggetti più fragili ma costituisce un’opportunità di coinvolgimento più ampio per la società civile, integrando imprese turistiche, ricettive, musei e luoghi di interesse culturale ma soprattutto rafforzando le connessioni con l’università e i governi locali a cui è sempre più richiesto un approccio concreto alle esperienze locali, per poterne definire dei modelli in cui circoscrivere le attività che necessitano di supporto finanziario, educativo e legislativo. Ciononostante, letteratura indagata pone un limite nella comprensione dei termini in cui la collaborazione turistica possa effettivamente beneficiare l’inclusione e le categorie più fragili. In risposta a tale lacuna, i capitoli due e tre integrano il framework generato dalla letteratura. In particolare, il capitolo due propone un modello collaborativo per un turismo inclusivo nelle aree rurali. Lo scopo del modello, sviluppato in più fasi della ricerca partecipata, è quello di garantire l’inclusione tanto del processo che delle attività turistiche pianificate. Tale modello è stato applicato al contesto dell’agricoltura sociale, creando uno spazio collaborativo e di confronto supportato da strumenti operativi che hanno contribuito allo strategic visioning and planning delle azioni. Il risultato di tale processo rivela che lo sviluppo di una solida collaborazione nell’ottica di un turismo inclusivo nelle aree rurali necessita di continuità negli incontri e nel coinvolgimento di attori chiave per tale iniziativa che, tra le altre cose, possono contribuire alla definizione dei limiti geografici e tematici dell’iniziativa. Il capitolo tre si concentra, invece, sull’indagine degli effetti della collaborazione turistica sulle aziende sociali e sulle categorie fragili integrate in processi di inclusione lavorativa. Esplorando le motivazioni e gli ostacoli alla collaborazione da parte degli imprenditori sociali, la ricerca ha applicato i pilastri del decent work definiti dall’Organizzazione Mondiale del Lavoro (OML), facendo emergere importanti implicazioni della collaborazione non solo per l’inclusione sociale e lavorativa dei soggetti svantaggiati ma anche nuove opportunità di sviluppo personale e aziendale. Al contrario, gli ostacoli alla collaborazione, principalmente relativi ad una mancanza di risorse e di embeddedness nel contesto di riferimento causa una minaccia per la stabilità del lavoro. In ultimo, il capitolo 4 è volto a comprendere il ruolo della tecnologia nell’assicurare un turismo inclusivo in momenti di crisi. Il capitolo esplora il caso dell’imprenditoria sociale nel contesto dell’ospitalità, prendendo in esame un’iniziativa intitolata ‘La Staffetta di Cucina Ciocheciò, organizzata dall’associazione Agritur-ASO durante la crisi pandemica da Covid-19. L’iniziativa, che aveva l’obiettivo di preparare e condividere su un gruppo Facebook creato per l’occasione, i piatti della propria tradizione culinaria con prodotti locali. Lo studio di tale iniziativa ha permesso di comprendere l’importanza della tecnologia nel coltivare vecchie e nuove relazioni, preservando l’autenticità dell’esperienze turistica. Nel complesso, questo lavoro di tesi risponde ai principi di sviluppo collaborativo proposti dal dottorato innovativo. Per rispondere alle domande di ricerca proposte, il lavoro di questa tesi si è focalizzato sulla creazione di uno spazio di incontro e collaborazione tra attori di natura diversa. Apprezzando i diversi ruoli non-convenzionali che può assumere il ricercatore durante processi di ricerca partecipata, è stato possibile coinvolgere una moltitudine di attori e di esplorare il tema del turismo inclusivo e sostenibile in maniera ampia, per identificare possibili direttrici di sviluppo collaborativo. Tuttavia, soprattutto nel caso dell’agricoltura sociale, tale ampio approccio ha inevitabilmente impedito una visione individuale delle aziende rispetto alla dimensione manageriale e organizzativa delle attività turistiche. Per tale ragione, possibili direttrici di sviluppo di questa tematica sono da ritrovare nella necessità di evidenziare circostanze e caratteristiche aziendali e imprenditoriali che sono state particolarmente favorevoli allo sviluppo di attività turistiche, con lo scopo di individuare percorsi favorevoli allo sviluppo di attività socialmente innovative.
This thesis contributes to creating knowledge on the role of social entrepreneurship for social innovation in rural areas, through the development of inclusive tourism activities. The research is motivated by the rural development policies which are increasingly integrating social and labor inclusion strategies. The most recent rural policies identify social entrepreneurship as a resource for the inclusion of the most fragile categories, through the provision of tourism activities which support the diversification of services offered in marginal areas. The theoretical foundation of this thesis lies in the concepts of social innovation and inclusive tourism: the former intended as a reaction to the social challenges, which stimulates the individual's capacity to act and helps to create or strengthen the relations between different actors, with the aim to implement innovative solutions. The second, which incorporates the concepts of accessible and social tourism, refers to the set of inclusive practices created for and with the community, including people and places traditionally excluded from tourism activity. An initial analysis of the literature on the two topics revealed knowledge gaps of empirical, ontological and methodological nature. In particular, there is a lack of knowledge of the dynamics involving social entrepreneurship in the definition of inclusive leisure activities, as well as the role of new technologies in supporting such activities, while enhancing the authenticity of the tourist experience for the visitor. Secondly, considering that social innovation is an evolving process, there is the need to understand the type and intensity of changes on the whole ecosystem involved. Finally, the literature points to the need for new collaborative methodologies oriented towards inclusive innovation, able to involve a multiplicity of actors of different nature, but at the same time can manage the possible tensions that may arise when evaluating inclusive solutions. This thesis sought to contribute to filling these gaps by exploring the relational aspect of social innovation and proposed the following research question: how can networking support social enterprises in defining socially innovative practices for inclusive tourism in rural areas? Some research sub-questions facilitated this objective: 1. How to create an inclusion-oriented collaborative approach for tourism in rural areas? 2. What effects can the collaborative approach of social enterprises have on the socio-occupational inclusion of marginal groups in rural areas? 3. How can technology and new social networks virtually support social enterprises in the sphere of hospitality, in creating or maintaining genuine relationships with visitors through authentic experiences with the local community? Although social innovations are bottom-up processes, their realization will depend on the support received and the type of relationships established between actors in the local ecosystem. Universities, as institutions that co-create knowledge for sustainability, ae increasingly required to encourage and facilitate social innovation processes. This allows researchers to adopt roles and methodologies that generate involvement, participation, and collaboration. Therefore, this research applies the participatory action research (RAP) method for a qualitative study of social innovation, since it allows for the creation of a collaborative space that contributes to the empowerment of the community in the definition of effective and socially useful solutions. The research is applied to two specific cases of social entrepreneurship developed in the Marche region: the first related to the hospitality sphere and the second to social agriculture. In the first case, it has been considered the case of the Agritur-ASO association, which is a network of around twenty members, located in the region's southernmost province, whose recreational activities, based on the principles of relationality and the valorization of ancient traditions, become an instrument of social change to the benefit of both local communities and visitors. The second case study, in which the Marche region boasts pioneering experience compared to all other Mediterranean contexts, refers to the set of practices that use agriculture to generate social and labor inclusion activities for the most fragile categories. In order to answer the research questions described above, this thesis is divided into four chapters: the first three consider the case of social agriculture and the fourth reports the case of social hospitality. Given the exploratory nature of research on social farming tourism, the first chapter offers an overview of the literature to understand how recreational activities in social farming contribute to social innovation in rural areas. Findings from the very few studies identified through the snowballing technique, have been channeled into a framework that shows the contribution of tourism in meeting emerging need for wellness activities in nature, which strengthen the links between urban and rural areas. Tourism does not only allow for the generation of work and social inclusion activities for the most fragile individuals, but also constitutes an opportunity for a broader involvement of civil society in the activities, integrating tourism businesses, accommodation, museums and places of cultural interest, but above all strengthening the connections with the university and local governments who are increasingly required to take a concrete approach to local experiences in order to define models where to set specific activities that require financial, educational and legislative support. However, the literature analysed poses a limitation in understanding the terms in which tourism collaboration can benefit inclusion and the most fragile groups. In response to this gap, chapters two and three complement the framework generated by the literature. Chapter two proposes a collaborative model for inclusive tourism in rural areas. The purpose of the model, developed through several stages of participatory research, is to ensure the inclusiveness of both the process and the planned tourism activities. This model was applied to the social farming context, creating a collaborative space supported by operational tools that contributed to the strategic visioning and planning of actions. The result of this process reveals that the development of a solid collaboration in the perspective of inclusive tourism in rural areas requires continuity in the organization of the meetings and the involvement of key actors who, among others, can contribute to the definition of the geographical and thematic boundaries of the initiative. Chapter three, on the other hand, investigates the effects of tourism collaboration on social enterprises and the fragile groups integrated in inclusion processes. By exploring social entrepreneurs’ motivations and obstacles towards collaboration, the research applies the decent work pillars proposed by the International Labor Organization (ILO). Results reveal important implications for collaboration for the social and labor inclusion of the disadvantaged and for the creation of new opportunities for personal and business development. Conversely, obstacles to collaboration, mainly related to a lack of resources and embeddedness in the target context cause a threat to job stability. Finally, Chapter 4 aims to understand the role of technology in ensuring inclusive tourism in times of crisis. The chapter explores the case of social entrepreneurship in the context of hospitality, examining an initiative entitled “The Staffetta della Cucina Ciocheciò”, organised by the Agritur-ASO association during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. The aim of the initiative was to prepare and share on a Facebook group created for the occasion, traditional dishes using local products. The study of this initiative allowed to understand the importance of technology in cultivating old and new relationships, while preserving the authenticity of the tourist experience. Overall, the work of this thesis responds to the principles of collaborative development proposed by the industrial PhD. Indeed, in order to answer the proposed research questions, the work of this thesis focused on the creation of a space of collaboration between actors of different natures. By appreciating the different non-conventional roles that the researcher can assume during participatory research processes, it was possible to involve a multitude of actors and to explore the topic of inclusive and sustainable tourism in a broad manner, to identify possible directions for collaborative development. However, especially in the case of social agriculture, such a broad approach precluded an individual view of companies with respect to the managerial and organisational dimension of tourism activities. For this reason, possible directions for the development of this issue are to be found in the need to highlight circumstances and business and entrepreneurial characteristics that have been particularly favourable to the development of tourism activities, with the aim of identifying paths favourable to the development of socially innovative activities.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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