Il punto di avvio della presente ricerca deriva da un bisogno reale che viene fortemente avvertito nei contesti scolastici attuali, da parte di tutti gli attori che operano nel sistema o per il sistema: il bisogno di formazione degli insegnanti. La questione non è certo nuova: l’aggiornamento come diritto – dovere per il docente è stato sempre contrattualizato, sia pure in termini piuttosto generici, ma in tempi recenti tale argomento ha assunto una dimensione maggiormente rilevante ed è entrato nel dibattito pubblico e politico aperto attorno alla scuola, alla sua qualità ed all’innovazione ad essa necessaria. Infatti con la recente legge 107/2015 la formazione ha assunto un carattere “obbligatorio, permanente e strutturale”, confermato dal Piano nazionale per la formazione dei docenti, emanato il 3 ottobre 2016. Si tratta di un atteso progetto, organico e di lungo periodo, che intende fornire linee – guida sia di tipo logistico – organizzativo che di indirizzo rispetto alle modalità, ai contenuti, alle competenze da sviluppare al fine di offrire agli insegnanti un’opportunità di sviluppo professionale adeguato ai contesti scolastici ma anche sociali previsti per il futuro. Ma quali modelli e quali logiche formative è necessario mettere in atto in una prospettiva che sempre più si configura come lifelong, lifewide, lifedeep learning, connettendo formazione pre-service, formazione iniziale e formazione in servizio e coinvolgendo tanto l’identità professionale quanto quella personale degli attori implicati nel processo? Quali soggetti possono farsi carico di un simile dispositivo di formazione, a partire da quali linee teoriche e metodologiche in linea con gli obiettivi posti dai decisori? Il presente lavoro di ricerca cerca di dare una risposta articolata a tali domande. Innanzi tutto la formazione degli insegnanti oggi non può essere declinata se non in termini di professionalizzazione (Le Boterf, 2010), prendendo avvio da un’idea molto ampia e peculiare della professionalità docente, fortemente situata nelle particolarità e nei vincoli posti dai contesti educativi. Il docente professionista infatti è difficilmente descrivibile attraverso profili declinati di competenze attese in quanto opera in una situazione in contintuo divenire, determinata dalla logica di relazione con gli studenti, le cui risposte sono scarsamente prevedibili e categorizzabili. Egli è chiamato continuamente ad affrontare l’imprevisto ed il nuovo ed il suo lavoro quotidiano tende verso obiettivi che non sono mai uguali a se stessi. La professione docente, infatti, non ha nell’apprendimento un prodotto causato dall’insegnamento, ma si connota come una costante attività di mediazione e regolazione che ha nell’azione didattica il sul fulcro principale. L’insegnante quindi deve essere formato proprio a partire dall’analisi e dalla riflessione sull’azione stessa, fino a che l’assunzione di una postura riflessiva sull’azione, in azione e per l’azione (Altet, 2000) non venga assunta all’interno dell’habitus personale e professionale (Magnoler, 2011) del docente stesso. Inoltre, dato che una formazione di tipo istruttivo – prescrittivo oggi non è più pensabile, è opportuno sottolineare che un piano organico di professionalizzazione degli insegnanti non può prescindere da un coinvolgimento diretto degli insegnanti stessi. È necessario quindi realizzare la Nuova Alleanza prospettata da Damiano (2006), mettendo in atto percorsi di accompagnamento e di collaborazione reciproca tra mondo della scuola e mondo della ricerca. In tale prospettiva si è strutturato il progetto di ricerca, basato su una doppia ipotesi, derivante appunto dal doppio mandato ricevuto in avvio del percorso: - Mettere in atto un processo di ricerca/formazione finalizzato alla sperimentazione di uno degli aspetti più rilevanti del profilo professionale del docente, ovvero la trasposizione didattica. Tale mandato si è esplicitato nella strutturazione del curricolo di Geostoria. - Porre al centro del processo di professionalizzazione la pratica insegnante, a partire dall’osservazione e dall’analisi dell’azione, mettendo in atto un modello di riflessione sulle pratiche finalizzato alla presa di coscienza da parte degli insegnanti degli impliciti e dei significati sottesi alla pratica stessa. Il piano dell’opera prevede una prima parte di contestualizzazione entro le teorie relative alla professionalizzazione ed allo sviluppo professionale degli insegnanti, inserita nel quadro più ampio dei concetti di professione e professionalità, i quali nella contemporaneità vengono trasferiti dall’ambito delle professioni cosiddette liberali a quello dei servizi e delle dimensioni pubbliche e sociali, tra cui appunto l’educazione e l’istruzione. In questo modo è possibile tracciare un quadro di massima dell’insegnante competente, il quale mobilita nell’azione didattica le risorse necessarie per risolvere i problemi, noti o imprevisti, che si presentano nel processo di insegnamento – apprendimento. Il modello che viene esplorato è quello della Ricerca Collaborativa (Desgagné, 1997) nata in Canada negli anni Novanta del secolo scorso ed ispirata a due principi che si è cercato di realizzare attraverso il percorso di ricerca/formazione: la piena collaborazione tra scuola ed università, allo scopo di creare comunità di ricerca che superassero la tradizionale e percepita separazione tra mondo della ricerca e mondo della pratica; la valorizzazione del sapere insito nella pratica stessa, attraverso un processo di analisi e riflessione sull’azione volto all’esplicitazione dei teoremi in atto propri dei docenti ed alla loro interpretazione e ristrutturazione, alla luce delle teorie didattiche e disciplinari di riferimnto. In questo modo l’esito della ricerca, in linea con il principio della doppia verosimiglianza, ha potuto portare alla produzione di esiti utili sia per la comunità scolastica che per la comunità accademica. La seconda parte della tesi esplora il primo mandato assegnato alla ricerca, l’indagine in merito alla possibilità di strutturare in maniera condivisa una nuova idea di curricolo, a partire dalla riflessione sulla disciplina di riferimento, individuata nella geostoria (Mattozzi, 2011). L’esito è la costruzione di un sapere-strumento, dinamico ed orientante, che funziona da framework teorico generativo per la progettazione dei percorsi didattici e delle attività degli insegnanti. Esso è uno spazio di incontro tra scuola e ricerca, un luogo di approfondimento e di autoformazione, una guida alla lettura della disciplina secondo la prospettiva della mobilitazione delle competenze osservata in verticale. La terza parte è relativa al secondo mandato della ricerca, l’esplorazione della pratica per riscontrare processi di trasformatività che un percorso di formazione collaborativa, focalizzato sulla riflessività in azione e sull’analisi dell’azione e del pensiero degli insegnanti, fosse in grado di mettere in atto (Altet, 2002; 2012). Tale percorso si è strutturato in due studi di caso, uno comparativo e l’altro longitudinale, che hanno permesso di andare in profondità nell’osservazione e nella riflessione sulla pratica, utilizzando dispositivi di raccolta, analisi ed intepretazione dei dati organizzati in un protocollo complesso e vario: interviste (Vermersch, 2005; Faingold, 2012), videoanalisi (Santagata, 2012; 2014), analisi plurale (Altet, 2013), co-esplicitazione sulle pratiche (Vinatier, 2013). L’esito si configurato nella ristrutturazione del comportamento dell’insegnante, che ha riconosciuto la riflessività come tratto della propria identità ed ha potuto sperimentare l’assunzione di una postura professionale.
The starting point of this research comes from a true need that has been strongly felt in the current school scenarios by all those who are either involved in or for the system: the teacher training need. The matter is not new, indeed: being updated as a right-duty for the teacher has always been established by contracts, even though through rather generic terms, but in recent times such a topic has reached a more relevant dimension coming into the public and political debate opened about schooling, its quality and the innovation it needs. In fact through the recent Law 107/2015 training has achieved a “compulsory, permanent and structural” character, confirmed by the National Plan for teachers training issued on 3rd October 2016. It is the long-awaited project, the long term organic one, which wants to provide the guidelines both of logistic-organisational kind and of the orientation ones as far as the ways, contents and expertise to be developed are concerned in order to give the teachers an opportunity of professional development suited to the schooling contexts but also to the social ones foreseen for the future. Which models and which training logistics is it necessary to implement in a perspective that is more and more outlined as a lifelong, life-wide, life-deep learning, connecting pre-service training, starting training and in-service training and involving the professional identity as well as the personal one of those involved in the process? Which characters can take on such a training device, starting from which theoretical and methodological lines consistent wit the goals set forth by the decision-makers? This research tries to supply an articulated answer to such questions. First of all teachers training nowadays cannot be declined but in terms of professionalisation (Le Boterf, 2010), starting from a wider idea typical of the teachers’ professionalism, deeply located in the peculiarities and the bonds set forth by the educational contexts. The professional teacher in fact is difficultly describable through declined profiles of expected expertises as he/she works in an ever becoming situation, determined by the logistics of relationship with the students whose answers are hardly foreseeable and categorisable. The teacher is continuously asked to face the unexpected and his/her work tends towards goals that are never the same. The teaching profession in fact does not have in learning a product caused by the act of teaching, but it is characterised as an ongoing activity of mediation and adjustment that has its focus in the didactic action. The teacher therefore must be trained just starting from the analysis and the reflection on the act itself, until the acquisition of a reflexive attitude on the act is undertaken in the personal and professional habit (Magnoler, 2011) of the teacher himself/herself. In addition, as an instructive-prescriptive type of training cannot be imagined today, it is essential to highlight that an organic plan of teachers professionalisation cannot disregard a direct involvement of the teachers themselves. Therefore it is necessary to realise a New Partnership (Nuova Alleanza) planned by Damiano (2006), activating complement and mutual cooperation paths between the school world and the research one. The research project has been planned according to such a perspective, based on a double hypothesis, exactly arising from the double mandate received by the path: - implementing a research/training process aimed at the experimentation of one of the most relevant aspects of the professional profile of the teacher, that is to say the didactic transposition. Such a mandate has become evident in the structuring of Geo-history curriculum. - placing the practice of teaching at the centre of the professionalisation process, starting from the observation and the analysis of the act of teaching, implementing a reflection model on the practices aimed at the teachers’ realisation of the implicit and the underlying meanings of the practice itself. The work plan foresees a first part of contextualisation within categories concerning the professionalisation and the professional development of the teachers, inside the wider framework of the concepts of profession and professionalism, which are contemporarily handed down from the field of the so-called liberal professions to that of the services and the public and social dimensions, among which training and education indeed. It is not possible to trace this way a general image of the competent teacher, who mobilises in the didactic action the necessary resources to sort out the problems, either the known or the unexpected ones, which show themselves in the learning-teaching process. The explored model is the Cooperative Research (Desgagné, 1997) born in Canada in the Nineties, last century, inspired on two principles we have tried to realise through the research/training path: the full cooperation between school and university in order to create community of research that could go beyond the traditional and perceived separation between the world of research and the one of the practice; the valorisation of knowledge inside the practice itself, through a process of analysis and reflection on the action aimed at the clarification of the activated theories belonging to the teachers and to their interpretation and reorganization, in the light of the didactic and subject reference theories. The result of the research, in line with the principle of the double plausibility, could this way lead to the production of useful outcomes both for the school community and the academic one. The second part of the thesis explores the first mandate appointed to research, the investigation on the possibility of structuring in a shared way a new idea of curriculum, starting from the reflection on the reference subject, identified in geo-history (Mattozzi, 2011). The result is the building of a knowledge-tool, dynamic and orientating, working as a theoretical and generative framework for the planning of didactic paths and the teachers’ activities. It is a meeting space between school and research, a place for in-depth analysis and self-training, a guide for interpreting the subject according to the perspective of the deployment of expertises observed vertically. The third part relates to the second mandate of the research, the exploration of the practice to spot transformativity processes that a cooperative training path, focused on the reflexivity in action and on the analysis of the action and the thought of the teachers, could implement (Altet, 2002; 2012). Such a path was structured o two case-studies, a comparative one and a longitudinal one, which enabled to go into deep in the observation and the reflection on the practice, using some devices for the collection, analysis and interpretation of the data organised in a varied and complex protocol: interviews (Vermersch, 2005; Faingold, 2012), video- analysis (Santagata, 2012; 2014), plural analysis (Altet, 2013), co-explicitation on the practices (Vinatier, 2012). The outcome configures itself in the reorganisation of the teacher’s behaviour, who acknowledged reflectiveness as a feature of his/her identity and could test the undertaking of a professional attitude.
The starting point of this research comes from a true need that has been strongly felt in the current school scenarios by all those who are either involved in or for the system: the teacher training need. The matter is not new, indeed: being updated as a right-duty for the teacher has always been established by contracts, even though through rather generic terms, but in recent times such a topic has reached a more relevant dimension coming into the public and political debate opened about schooling, its quality and the innovation it needs. In fact through the recent Law 107/2015 training has achieved a “compulsory, permanent and structural” character, confirmed by the National Plan for teachers training issued on 3rd October 2016. It is the long-awaited project, the long term organic one, which wants to provide the guidelines both of logistic-organisational kind and of the orientation ones as far as the ways, contents and expertise to be developed are concerned in order to give the teachers an opportunity of professional development suited to the schooling contexts but also to the social ones foreseen for the future. Which models and which training logistics is it necessary to implement in a perspective that is more and more outlined as a lifelong, life-wide, life-deep learning, connecting pre-service training, starting training and in-service training and involving the professional identity as well as the personal one of those involved in the process? Which characters can take on such a training device, starting from which theoretical and methodological lines consistent wit the goals set forth by the decision-makers? This research tries to supply an articulated answer to such questions. First of all teachers training nowadays cannot be declined but in terms of professionalisation (Le Boterf, 2010), starting from a wider idea typical of the teachers’ professionalism, deeply located in the peculiarities and the bonds set forth by the educational contexts. The professional teacher in fact is difficultly describable through declined profiles of expected expertises as he/she works in an ever becoming situation, determined by the logistics of relationship with the students whose answers are hardly foreseeable and categorisable. The teacher is continuously asked to face the unexpected and his/her work tends towards goals that are never the same. The teaching profession in fact does not have in learning a product caused by the act of teaching, but it is characterised as an ongoing activity of mediation and adjustment that has its focus in the didactic action. The teacher therefore must be trained just starting from the analysis and the reflection on the act itself, until the acquisition of a reflexive attitude on the act is undertaken in the personal and professional habit (Magnoler, 2011) of the teacher himself/herself. In addition, as an instructive-prescriptive type of training cannot be imagined today, it is essential to highlight that an organic plan of teachers professionalisation cannot disregard a direct involvement of the teachers themselves. Therefore it is necessary to realise a New Partnership (Nuova Alleanza) planned by Damiano (2006), activating complement and mutual cooperation paths between the school world and the research one. The research project has been planned according to such a perspective, based on a double hypothesis, exactly arising from the double mandate received by the path: - implementing a research/training process aimed at the experimentation of one of the most relevant aspects of the professional profile of the teacher, that is to say the didactic transposition. Such a mandate has become evident in the structuring of Geo-history curriculum. - placing the practice of teaching at the centre of the professionalisation process, starting from the observation and the analysis of the act of teaching, implementing a reflection model on the practices aimed at the teachers’ realisation of the implicit and the underlying meanings of the practice itself. The work plan foresees a first part of contextualisation within categories concerning the professionalisation and the professional development of the teachers, inside the wider framework of the concepts of profession and professionalism, which are contemporarily handed down from the field of the so-called liberal professions to that of the services and the public and social dimensions, among which training and education indeed. It is not possible to trace this way a general image of the competent teacher, who mobilises in the didactic action the necessary resources to sort out the problems, either the known or the unexpected ones, which show themselves in the learning-teaching process. The explored model is the Cooperative Research (Desgagné, 1997) born in Canada in the Nineties, last century, inspired on two principles we have tried to realise through the research/training path: the full cooperation between school and university in order to create community of research that could go beyond the traditional and perceived separation between the world of research and the one of the practice; the valorisation of knowledge inside the practice itself, through a process of analysis and reflection on the action aimed at the clarification of the activated theories belonging to the teachers and to their interpretation and reorganization, in the light of the didactic and subject reference theories. The result of the research, in line with the principle of the double plausibility, could this way lead to the production of useful outcomes both for the school community and the academic one. The second part of the thesis explores the first mandate appointed to research, the investigation on the possibility of structuring in a shared way a new idea of curriculum, starting from the reflection on the reference subject, identified in geo-history (Mattozzi, 2011). The result is the building of a knowledge-tool, dynamic and orientating, working as a theoretical and generative framework for the planning of didactic paths and the teachers’ activities. It is a meeting space between school and research, a place for in-depth analysis and self-training, a guide for interpreting the subject according to the perspective of the deployment of expertises observed vertically. The third part relates to the second mandate of the research, the exploration of the practice to spot transformativity processes that a cooperative training path, focused on the reflexivity in action and on the analysis of the action and the thought of the teachers, could implement (Altet, 2002; 2012). Such a path was structured o two case-studies, a comparative one and a longitudinal one, which enabled to go into deep in the observation and the reflection on the practice, using some devices for the collection, analysis and interpretation of the data organised in a varied and complex protocol: interviews (Vermersch, 2005; Faingold, 2012), video- analysis (Santagata, 2012; 2014), plural analysis (Altet, 2013), co-explicitation on the practices (Vinatier, 2012). The outcome configures itself in the reorganisation of the teacher’s behaviour, who acknowledged reflectiveness as a feature of his/her identity and could test the undertaking of a professional attitude.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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