Dipartimento di Scienze della formazione, dei beni culturali e del turismo
Admission test to Primary Teacher Education:some empirical evidences and reflections fromUNIMC experience
2011-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella; Girotti, Luca
Autobiographical Methods For Broader Lifelong And Lifewide Learning For All: A Research Based On Original Format
2015-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella
Autobiographical Questionnaire and Semi-structured Interview: Comparing two Instruments for Educational Research in Difficult Contexts
2015-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella; Russo, Vincenza
Autobiography as Educational Scientific Tool in Penitentiary
2015-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella
Educational and Autoeducational Value of Autobiographical Writings
2013-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella; A., Checchi
Educational Policies and Youth Unemployment
2013-01-01 L., Refrigeri; Aleandri, Gabriella
Educational Research and Policy-Making. Questions, Challenges and Perspectives for a Pedagogical Debate
2010-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella; Girotti, Luca
Educational Value of Autobiographical Writings for Self-identity Development and Orienteering
2015-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella; Checchi, A.
Interdisciplinary perspectives for pedagogical research: from selection to education of new teacher
2012-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella; Girotti, Luca; Laneve, Giuseppe
La relazione d’aiuto in educazione
2001-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella
Lifelong and Trans-Generational Education through Arts
2014-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella
Lifelong learning and training: a never ending challenge and choice for educational system
2012-01-01 Girotti, Luca; Aleandri, Gabriella
Lifelong Learning, Training and Education in Globalized Economic Systems: Analysis and Perspectives
2013-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella; L., Refrigeri
Pedagogia del corpo e dello sport nella prospettiva del lifelong learning
2010-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella
Professional-lifelong Education and Training of Teacher: A Significant Perspective and Hard Challenge for the Development of School System
2014-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella; Girotti, Luca
Quality of life of disabled people: prospects for lifelong learning pedagogy
2012-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella; Giaconi, Catia
Recensione a Dentro la famiglia. Pedagogia delle relazioni educative familiari
2009-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella
Recensione a Discorsi sull'educazione
2009-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella
Recensione a Don Milani. La povertà dei poveri
2010-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella
Recensione a Dopo la società aperta
2009-01-01 Aleandri, Gabriella