BRUNA, GIULIA Statistiche
Dipartimento di Studi umanistici - lingue, mediazione, storia, lettere, filosofia
Risultati 1 - 11 di 11 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.018 secondi).
Erminda Rentoul Esler's “Physical” and “Virtual” Networks: Women's Activism, the Irish in London, and the Local-Colour Story
2023-01-01 Bruna, Giulia
Glocal Irish Village Imaginaries: Local-Colour Fiction of Erminda Rentoul Esler and Katherine Frances Purdon
2022-01-01 Bruna, G.
Ian Maclaren’s Scottish Local-Colour Fiction in Transnational Contexts: Networks of Reception, Circulation, and Translation in the United States and Europe
2021-01-01 Bruna, Giulia
In the Heart of the Roman Metropolis: an Italian Prologue to Synges Investigative Journalism
2011-01-01 Bruna, Giulia
J. M. Synge and Travel Writing of the Irish Revival
2017-01-01 Bruna, Giulia
John Millington Synge (1871-1909)
2022-01-01 Bruna, Giulia
John Millington Synge's Travel Journalism: Reporting from the Fringes of Revival Ireland
2012-01-01 Bruna, Giulia
Organised spaces: Revival activism and print culture
2014-01-01 Bruna, Giulia
Organised spaces: Revival activism and print culture
2014-01-01 Bruna, G.; Wilsdon, C.
Periodical Insurrections: Revival, Modernism, and the Irish Review
2019-01-01 Bruna, Giulia
The Irish revival en route: the travel writing of William Bulfin and Robert Lynd
2016-01-01 Bruna, Giulia